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Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

Basic Skincare Routine

Kalau ada orang yang ketemu aku dan nanya, “Kamu lagi pake skincare apa, Wi?” jawabannya panjang kali lebar dan akhirnya yang denger bakalan nanya lagi, “Emang itu buat apa?” or “Emang kamu butuh itu?” The answer is, I will not use something that I don’t need. And here is my basic skincare routine :)

Tapi, kalau ada yang merasa regime aku terlalu panjang, jujur sih ngaku banget kalau itu kepanjangan. So, in this post, I will tell you what is the very basic skincare routine that you really need.

For me, the most basic skincare routine is consisting of several steps. And the steps are:
1. Cleansing
2. Moisturizing
3. Exfoliating
4. Protecting
5. Special Treatment (depends on what you need)

That’s all! Most basic skincare routines only consist of that simple 5 steps. Done. What makes it different and complicated? Kebutuhan. We can simply use facial foam, moisturizer and sunblock for day. And in the night, you can skip the sunblock and add some special treatment depends on what you really need (treatment for acne, aging, or dark spot). And exfoliate your skin once a week. But, if you are wearing a heavy makeup, you will need more in cleansing step. If you are in the winter, use more moisturizer. The skincare routine is keep changing depends on you. 

Then, what makes my routine so complicated is because I have so many concerns about my skin. I have aging issue, monthly acne, and dark spot. But, if you want to make it simple, just do what I said earlier: facial foam, moisturizer and sunblock for day and can skip the sunblock and add some special treatment for night. 

The most important thing in your skin care routine is not about how many products do you use or how expensive it is. Nah! It is about how diligent and carefully you use it every single day.

My current skincare routine is still the same from like a half year ago. Except, I am adding Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream for day, and I changed my facial foam to Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser.

Thank you for reading dan selalu rajin menjaga kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit, ya *love


10 komentar:

  1. Ini info buat calon pacar nanti ah :-D :-D

  2. Tul,yang penting rajin rutin dan higienis dalam perawatan harian :)

    Oia main main ke blog dakoh yah

  3. aku sekarang lagi proses trial error sama skin care baru, 4 bulan lalu lepas skin care klinik estetik tapi masih belom nemu yg pas. sunblock yg bagus buat kulit kering kombinasi apa ya, teh?

    1. Hmm, coba pake yg dalam negeri dulu deh, yu
      Soalnya abis dari klinik kecantikan kan :)

  4. Nah nah ini dia, Wi. Aku suka males yang rutin-rutin. Tapi setelah acara yang kita ikutin bareng itu, aku jadi sedikit sadar :)))

  5. harus telaten yaa membersihkan wajah...hiks *pemalas


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