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Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Welcoming Our New Lovelies (Notif! E-Magz)

Well I am taking a flash rest from writing content and dozen of revisions for telling you that I am welcoming our (my) new lovelies. Well it might be confusing but lemme tell you something that in last two months me and my blogger fellows are busy preparing e-magz for bloggers only.

Proudly present to you our new lovelies, Notif! Magazine (No Limit For Creativity) the First Blogger Community Electronic Magazine in the World. 

It is tiring because I need to go here and there and take in charge for this magz for coordinating. Though it is tiring I am proud of all of the editorial and creative crews.
There are time when I doubted my self, but all praises to God, finally I and the rest of the team are able to finish it and publish it. 

Well, I am inviting you to contribute in our future edition. Please send your interest by email to or mention us using your twitter account at @BloggerMagzID. We'd love to hear from you soon. And we are ready to share our story and experiment as well as yours.

Well, take a look here: You have one Notif! magz to download

(click link above for downloading our magz)

Thanks for reading


6 komentar:

  1. walah full english, mata gw langsung keluar air seember...

  2. congratz bu! berkat orang-orang kreatif majalah ini terbit juga. khususnya buat pemred dan bu wakil yg memang sudah berpengalaman. semoga ke depannya makin lebih baik! :)

  3. Selamat untuk kerja keras dan semangat tanpa batas,, Yeaahhh akhirnya e-magz ini bisa terbit juga.. semoga kedepannya menjadi lebih baik lagi yah guys

  4. sambil megang kamus bacanya hahahaha... kaka ipar

  5. Asyiiikk edisi ke dua on the way !


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